Box 2
Contains 40 Results:
"Esquisses Attakapiennes; (v) Santa Maria de la Plata."
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Épidémies de Fièvre Jaune."
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Officiers Civils et Militaires Représentant L'État de la Louisiane dans les États Confédérés."
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Membres de la Première Convention Constitutionnelle de la Louisiane, 1812."
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Les Créoles de la Louisiane."discours de L'Hononorable Félix P. Poché. Prononcé le 7 Février, 1886, jour des Créoles, à L'Exposition Américaine.
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Sur La Mort de Dominique You." Urbain David.
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Largeur des Principales Rues de La Ville."
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Esquisses Attakapiennes; (v) Santa Maria de la Plata."
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Compair' Lapin Et Compair' Bouki." Man Henriette.
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.
"Members de la Seconde Convention Constitutionnelle de la Louisiane, 1845."
This collection consists of magazines and local newspapers from the 19th century, booklets, receipts, religious prayers, an oil lease, and Confederate currency. The bulk of materials are in French with a few items in English.