Box 1
Contains 249 Results:
Letter: Joseph, Fort Jackson, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1863-01-25
RE:Doing well. In the hospital at Fort Jackson. Asking for Mary to write a letter. Telling her to trust Jesus.
Letter: Joseph, Fort Jackson, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1863-02-13
RE:Prayers to God to return home.
Letter: Joseph, Fort Jackson, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1863-04-20
RE:Love. God. Prayers to be home. It’s the 21st of April, he is well but in the hospital.
Letter: Joseph, Fort Jackson, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1863-05-16
RE:Prayers to God to return home. Chapter XXII. Prevailing Prayer, page 187, is included with this letter.
Letter: Joseph, Fort Jackson, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1863-05-26
RE:Prayers to be returned home. Asks Mary to teach Ada to pray. He has not been paid yet. Expresses deep love for her and their little girl.
Letter: Joseph, Fort Jackson, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1863-06-02
RE:Received two letters from Mary. Expresses his true love and his faithfulness. He has been paid and sent Mary $60.00. He is in the hospital, but he claims he is doing well. Prayers to God to be returned to his wife.
Letter: Joseph, Fort. St. Philip, to Mary, Freeport, Maine. , 1863-07-13
RE:Expressions of love and prayer. Claims to only receive $13.00 a month. Prays to go home.
Letter: Joseph, Fort St. Philip, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1863-08-06
RE:Claims to be doing well, but also states he has been sick for 16 days.He hasn’t heard from Mary since May 27. His heart is full of love of Christ. 29th letter
Letter: Joseph, Berwick City, Louisiana, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1864-03-04
RE:Received payment for four months back pay. 29th and 30th Regiment is up the river 12miles from Berwick. Had a good passage. The government will pay a big bounty” for re-enlisting. He thinks he will re-enlist if he lives.
Letter: Joseph, Red River, Alexandria, to Mary, Freeport, Maine., 1864-03-28
RE:Marched from Berwick to Alexandria, 200 miles in ten days. Have not been paid in months. Hoping to go home in June.