Box 2
Contains 16 Results:
Effective English in Business, by Robert R. Aurner, South-Western Publishing Co., 1940
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
Business Filing, by E.D. Basset and Peter L. Agnew, South-Western Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, c. 1943., 1943
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
A Complete Course in Freshman English, by Harry Shaw et al., Harper & Brothers, N.Y., 1945
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
Economic Principles, Problems and Policies, by William H. Kiekhofer, D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., N.Y., 1946
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
Elementary Accounting, by Arnold W. Johnson, Rinehart & Co. Inc., 1946
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
Plane Trigonometry, by Fred W. Sparks and Paul K. Rees, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1946
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
Principles of Business Organization, by Wm. R. Spriegel, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1946
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
Basic College Chemistry, by Joseph A. Babor, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., N.Y., 1947
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass., 1947
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.
20th Century Typewriting, by D.D. Lessenberry & T. James Crawford, South-Western Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1947
Textbooks and other materials used by Basset while in attendance at college.