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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 229

Maude H. Billiu Collection

Identifier: MS-00020
Scope and Contents

This collection spans 1838-1993 and covers 15 linear feet. It includes photographs, newspapers, newspaper clippings, negatives, glass plate negatives, notarial records, court summons, certificate of death, death notices, obituaries, correspondence, a business license, tax receipts, postcards, scrapbooks, yearbooks, sketches, monographs, and a school program.

Dates: 1838-1993

Donald G. Bollinger Papers

Identifier: MS-00041
Scope and Contents This collection spans 16.5 linear feet and dates from 1974 to 1994. The collection is divided into two series and includes correspondence, reports, memoranda, clippings, ephemera, and other materials. The first series is titled Department of Public Safety and contains materials relating to Bollinger's role as Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety. The second series is titled Louisiana Lottery Corporation, and relates to Bollinger's role as a member of the Board of Directors...
Dates: 1974-1994; Majority of material found within 1980-1993

Bonvillain-Smith House Collection

Identifier: MS-00061
Scope and Contents

This collection dates from 1908 to 1964 and spans 5 linear feet. It consists of books, photographs, correspondence, clippings, ephemera, and artifacts pertaining to the Bonvillain, Smith, and Burguieres families of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. The Smith materials pertain chiefly to Clifford Smith's business dealings, while the Bonvillain materials are primarily family papers.

Dates: 1908-1964, undated

Dan Borne Collection on Senator Allen J. Ellender

Identifier: MS-00120
Scope and Contents

This collection dates from 1969 to 1973 and comprises photographs, clippings, and other printed materials relating to the life and political career of Senator Allen J. Ellender.

Dates: 1969-1973

Leon Z. Boudreaux Store Ledgers

Identifier: MS-00047
Scope and Contents

This collection spans 7.5 linear feet and comprises ledgers dating from 1912 to 1947. The ledgers include day to day sales accounts, bank accounts, shipments, and other records relating to Leon Z. Boudreaux's store.

Dates: 1912-1947, undated; Majority of material found within 1912-1926

Clarence Joseph Bourg Collection

Identifier: MS-00014
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, magazines, and a biographical sketch of Clarence J. Bourg.

Dates: 1953-1971

Ellis J. Bourgeois Papers

Identifier: MS-00206
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of correspondence, campaign ads and posters, photographs, newspaper clippings, tributes to Allen J. Ellender, books published by the Government Printing Office, and maps.

Dates: 1923-2003

Josephine M. Bouterie Collection

Identifier: MS-00155
Scope and Contents

This collection comprises a booklet and postcards collected by Josephine Bouterie of Thibodaux, Louisiana. The booklet, titled "The Symptoms and Cure of Yellow Fever" details the successful treatment of yellow fever prescribed by Dr. Cherot of Thibodaux. The postcards are written to Josephine Bouterie by family and friends and date from 1906 to 1913. The images on the cards include scenes of Texas and Louisiana locations, holiday greetings, and other illustrations.

Dates: 1906-1913 and undated

Maurice Braud Jr. Collection

Identifier: MS-00073
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of the personal war reminiscences of Maurice Braud, Jr. (2 copies), one newspaper produced by Allied prisoners of war during World War II, and one magazine describing the Allied liberation of Europe.

Dates: 1945-1984, undated

Arren Broussard Collection on the Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo

Identifier: MS-00082
Scope and Contents

This collection spans 4.5 linear feet and dates from 1960 to 1990. The collection comprises programs, correspondence, clippings, notes, lists, forms, trophies, medallions, photographs, photograph negatives, and other documents relating to the Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo.

Dates: 1960-1990

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Thibodaux (La.) 25
Lafourche Parish (La.) 24
World War, 1939-1945 14
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 11
World War, 1914-1918 11
∨ more
Lafourche, Bayou (La.) 10
Terrebonne Parish (La.) -- History 10
Louisiana -- Social life and customs. 9
Community organization -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish 8
Lafourche Parish (La.) -- History -- 20th century. 8
Lafourche Parish (La.) -- History, Local. 8
Louisiana -- Politics and government. 8
Civil war -- Louisiana. 7
Genealogy 7
Sugar plantations -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish. 7
Assumption Parish (La.) 6
Clubs -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish 6
Fishing -- Louisiana 6
Houma (La.) 6
New Orleans (La.) 6
Plantations -- Louisiana 6
Women -- Societies and clubs. 6
Clubs -- Louisiana -- Thibodaux. 5
Louisiana -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. 5
Public officers. 5
Southern States -- Religious life and customs. 5
Sugar plantations -- Louisiana -- Terrebonne Parish 5
Thibodaux (La.) -- History. -- 20th century. 5
Agriculture -- Louisiana -- Terrebonne Parish 4
Community organization -- Louisiana -- Thibodaux. 4
Cooking -- Louisiana 4
Enslaved persons -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish 4
Floods -- Louisiana. 4
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration -- Louisiana -- Thibodaux. 4
Lafourche Crossing (La.) 4
Lafourche Parish (La.) -- History -- 19th century. 4
Lafourche, Bayou (La.) -- History 4
Louisiana -- Surveys -- maps. 4
Medical care -- Louisiana 4
Napoleonville (La.) 4
Raceland (La.) 4
Saint James Parish (La.) 4
Slavery -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish. 4
Sugar plantations -- Louisiana 4
Sugarcane -- Louisiana -- Assumption Parish. 4
Sugarcane -- Louisiana. 4
Terrebonne Parish (La.) 4
Thibodaux (La.) -- History -- 20th century. 4
Thibodaux (La.) -- History -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church. 4
Vacherie (La.) 4
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1976 3
American drama -- Southern States 3
Bands (Music) -- Performances -- Louisiana -- Thibodaux. 3
Bankers -- Louisiana. 3
Bowie (La.) 3
Businessmen -- Louisiana. 3
Donaldsonville (La.) 3
Drama -- 21st century. 3
Education -- Louisiana 3
Elections -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish. 3
Elections -- Louisiana. 3
Floods -- Mississippi River Valley -- History -- 20th century. 3
Genealogies. 3
General stores -- Louisiana. 3
Historic sites -- Conservation and restoration -- Louisiana -- Thibodaux. 3
Houma (La.) -- Maps. 3
Iwo Jima, Battle of, Japan, 1945. 3
Judges -- Louisiana. 3
Lafourche Parish (La.) -- Politics and government. 3
Lafourche Parish (La.) -- Social life and customs -- 20th century. 3
Louisiana -- Economic conditions. 3
Louisiana -- History -- Religious aspects -- Catholic Church. 3
Montegut (La.) 3
Offshore oil Industry 3
Oil industries -- Louisiana 3
Oil well drilling -- Louisiana 3
Parish councils (Local government) -- Louisiana -- Thibodaux. 3
Saint Mary Parish (La.) 3
Schools -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish 3
Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- Louisiana -- Assumption Parish. 3
Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish. 3
Sugar factories -- Louisiana -- Assumption Parish. 3
Sugarcane -- Louisiana -- Lafourche Parish. 3
Terrebonne Parish (La.) -- History, Local. 3
Thibodaux (La.) -- History -- 19th century. 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Pacific Ocean. 3
Yellow fever. 3
Acadians -- Louisiana 2
Acadians in literature. 2
Agriculture -- Louisiana 2
Assumption Parish (La.) -- History -- 19th century. 2
Assumption Parish (La.) -- History, Local. 2
Assumption Parish (La.) -- Social life and customs -- 19th century. 2
Band musicians -- Performances -- Louisiana -- Thibodaux. 2
Bank directors -- Louisiana. 2
Banks and banking -- Louisiana. 2
Barataria and Lafourche Canal (La.) 2
Bayou Terrebonne (La.) 2
Boatbuilding -- Louisiana. 2
Cajun music -- Louisiana. 2
∧ less
English 173
Multiple languages 25
French 6
Nicholls State University 18
Ellender, Allen Joseph, 1890-1972. 10
Nicholls, Francis T. (Francis Tillou), 1834-1912. 7
Laurel Valley Plantation (Thibodaux, La.) 5
Menard, Charles M., 1817-1896. 5
∨ more
St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Thibodaux, La.) 5
Uzee, Philip D. (Philip Davis), 1914-2010. 5
White, Edward Douglass, 1845-1921. 5
Bollinger, Donald G. (Donald George), 1915-2000. 4
Elkins, Charles Calvert, 1900-1963. 4
Francis T. Nicholls Junior College 4
Thibodaux College (Thibodaux, La.) 4
American Legion. 3
Barrow, Robert R., Jr. 3
Chiasson, Roland M., 1921-2008. 3
Cole, C. Grenes (Christian Grenes), 1880-1977 3
Duval, Claude B. (Claude Berwick), 1914-1986. 3
Francis T. Nicholls State College 3
Gaudet family. 3
Georgia Plantation (Labadieville, La.) 3
Lafourche American Revolution Bicentennial Commission 3
Laurel Grove Plantation (La.) 3
Legendre, Irving E. (Irving Edward), 1906-1992. 3
Leighton Plantation (Thibodaux, La.) 3
Long, Russell B. (Russell Billiu) 3
Martin, Whitmell P. (Whitmell Pugh), 1867-1929. 3
Morrison, deLesseps S. (deLesseps Story), 1912-1964. 3
Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church (Chackbay, La.) 3
Picciola, Marco J. (Marco John), 1898-1978. 3
Polk, Leonidas, 1806-1864. 3
Rappelet, Albert O. (Albert Otto), 1903-1984. 3
Robichaux, Eugene G. (Eugene Godfrey), 1829-1869. 3
St. John's Episcopal Church (Thibodaux, La.) 3
Superdome (New Orleans, La.) 3
Treen, David C., 1928-2009. 3
Woodlawn Plantation (Napoleonville, La.) 3
Aime, Valcour, 1798-1867 2
Albemarle Plantation (Assumption Parish, La.) 2
American Red Cross. 2
American Sugar Cane League. 2
Ayo, Sam. 2
Barker, Frank L. 2
Barker, Thomas M. 2
Barthet Bros. Photography (Labadieville, La.) 2
Barthet, Charles. 2
Beary, Thomas, 1853-1914 2
Beauregard, G. T. (Gustave Toutant), 1818-1893. 2
Boggs, Hale, 1914-1972. 2
Bourg, Clarence J. (Clarence Joseph), 1893-1953. 2
Bourgeois, Henry Louis. 2
Catholic Church 2
Chol, Emmanuel 2
Christ Episcopal Church (Napoleonville, La.) 2
Coulon Plantation (Thibodaux, La.) 2
Cut Off High School (Cut Off, La.) 2
Daughters of the American Revolution. 2
Duval, Stanwood R., Jr. (Stanwood Richardson), 1942-. 2
Easton, Tristam B. (Tristam Beach) 2
Episcopal Church 2
First National Bank of Houma (Houma, La.) 2
Fisherman Canal Co. 2
Folse, France Marie, 1906-1985. 2
Foret, Alcide J., 1922-2013. 2
Greenwood Plantation (Lafourche Parish, La.) 2
Greenwood Sugar Factory (Lafourche Parish, La.) 2
Guidry, Richard P. (Dick), 1929-. 2
Harang, Warren J., Jr. 2
Jake's Store (Thibodaux, La.) 2
John Dalton's Morgan City Fish and Oyster Depot (Morgan City, La.) 2
Jones, Sam H. (Sam Houston), 1897-1978. 2
Kittredge, E. E. (Ebenezer Eaton), 1739-1802. 2
Lafourche Drug Store (Thibodaux, La.) 2
Lafourche Heritage '76 2
Lafourche Heritage Society 2
Lafourche Heritage Society. Genealogy Committee 2
Lafourche Parish (La.) 2
Lafourche Parish Police Jury 2
Laurel Valley Sugar Refinery (Thibodaux, La.) 2
Lula Plantation (Belle Rose, La.) 2
Martin family. 2
Martin, W.L. (William Littlejohn), 1895-1965. 2
McKeithen, John J. (John Julian), 1918-1999. 2
Melodia Plantation (Thibodaux, La.) 2
Melodia Sugar House (La.) 2
Mount Carmel Academy (Thibodaux, La.) 2
Myrtle Grove Plantation (Terrebonne Parish, La.) 2
Nicholls State University. Center for Traditional Louisiana Boat Building. 2
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994. 2
Perez, Leander, 1891-1969. 2
Poche, Louis A. (Louis Aristee) 2
Pugh, William Whitmell (William Whitmell Hill), 1811-1906. 2
Ravoire, A.F. (Augustin Francis), 1873-1950. 2
Residence Plantation (Houma, La.) 2
Roberta Grove Plantation (Houma, La.) 2
South Lafourche Oyster Festival. 2
St. Francis de Sales Church (Houma, La.) 2
St. John Plantation (St. Martinville, La.) 2
St. Martin, T. I. (Thaddeus Ignace) 2
St. Philomena Catholic School (Labadieville, La.) 2
St. Philomena Church (Labadieville, La.) 2
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